The Versatile Blogger Award

I am very happy and delighted to know that I was nominated for a blog award. It is my first time to be selected and its truly a heart-warming feeling.

 I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by :

Minni Wu

Thank you very much for nominating me !

Guys, please do check out her wonderful blog here:

Rules of the VBA:

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Include a link to their blog.
3. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve         recently discovered or follow regularly. 
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
4. Finally, tell the person who nominated you  7 things about yourself.

My Nominees:

7 Things About Me

1. It is my first time to experience having a long hair. My mother always cut it very short (shoulders/below the ears length) until when I was in my last year in high school.

2. I am the only child in the family.

3. We have 10 dogs. Yes! you read it right. All from the same breed ~ Belgian Malinois. 

4. I just wear BB cream, mascara and lip tint whenever I go out. 

5. I got bitten twice by our male Belgian dog last February 2013 and recently just last Monday. It was just a bruise and a small cut. 

6. I use a pastel pink & purple painted bicycle (with a basket) in going to school  when I was in elementary until high school. I am very shy whenever I go inside our campus because all students are staring at me. I just wish my crush wasn't there. Haha!

7. I love milktea! A large cup of milktea makes me full already!

Thank you for reading!




  1. Oh many thanks for nominating me.
    Is really nice heard than you use simple makeup for go out.

    1. My pleasure =)
      Im beginning also to know how to do gyaru make-up.

  2. lovely blog dear<3

    1. Many thanks Ramida =)

      I subscribed on your blog.Hope you'll follow mine too!

  3. Aww thank you so much for nominating me! :D You seem like such a sweet person as I read your post! And that's interesting that you have 10 dogs. I used to have a dozen cats...

    Anyway thanks for stopping by and subscribing! Now following you back via gfc and bloglovin. :)

    Lynn | Makeup With Tea | Bloglovin'

    1. You're welcome Lynn:) Thank you also for the follow back <3

  4. Omigosh, 10 dogs! o__o You must live the lifeee~ (I love dogs, heh.)

    Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. I super love dogs!Especially large breeds.

  5. aww thank you so much for nominating me! you are so sweet :) wow you have 10 dogs?! haha im so jealous! i wish i had at least one! :P

    1. You're welcome Kat :)
      Really!?Not even once?

  6. aww that was so sweet of you to nominate me!! mwahz! ^_~ I am so envy that you only wear BB and off you go...unlike me whereas foundation+concealer+powder orelse my scars are scarry >_<~


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